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Innovation and Improvement In Health and Care - Initial Deadline Extended

The Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust offers a very small number of large grants to registered or exempt charities in the UK and to NHS organisations to support innovation and improvements in health and care in the UK.

The funding will support care for any area of physical or mental health or disability as long as the project demonstrates that the investment will translate into improved outcomes for people using the service, enhance access to services or improve their resilience. The Trust will look to support projects which are either scalable or replicable by other organisations, and therefore have the potential to deliver benefits beyond a single setting.

It is anticipated that awards will be in the range of £150,000 to £500,000. It is unlikely that the Trust will support a project under £100,000.

Projects may address any area of physical or mental health or disability, but priority will be given to projects which support:

  • The development of new models of health and care (to improve outcomes for people living with serious long-term or life-limiting conditions, enhance access to services or improve their resilience).
  • The integration of health and care services.
  • Areas of unmet need.

The Trust adopts a broad approach to funding and will consider applications to support:

  • Infrastructure funding for specific facilities or equipment, where these are necessary to support innovation or improvement in practice.
  • Project costs necessary to roll out or scale up new, improved practice, including staff or consumables costs. This can include new staff recruited to deliver the project. Existing staff can only be incorporated as a cost in the budget where they will make a substantial contribution to rolling out or scaling up the new, improved practice. The Trust will not fund any elements of their salary required to maintain ongoing activity.

 The first step in the application process is to book a call with the Trust's staff.

Appointments are currently available until 16 February 2024 (an extension from 31 January).

Innovation and Improvement in Health and Care Fund -Sir Jules Thorn Trust


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