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Funding to Explore Changing Beliefs About the UK Economy

A one-time funding opportunity for a small number of organisations in the UK to work alongside this Foundation for the next three years to explore the question:  

"How can we can begin to shift perceptions, cultural assumptions and beliefs about the economy - what it is and what it could be?"

The funding is to support participation in a three-year programme which will explore "how we can begin to shift perceptions and beliefs about the economy - what it is and what it could be. It will focus on how we can promote the idea that change is possible. Recognising the enormity of this challenge it will take the approach of an action research set, seeking to generate shared learning that will push our thinking further after a three-year period."

 Organisations funded through this strand will work collaboratively to share ideas, experiences and learning.

Each organisation will receive grants of £50,000 per year for three years (a total of £150,000). Participants will also be compensated for participating in a series of facilitated programme learning days (paid at £800 per day per organisation).

Applications will be considered from a wide range of organisations, including but not limited to NGOs, think tank, academics, media outlets, framing organisations, and polling organisations. Charities, CICs, and social enterprises can apply.

Notification of decisions will be on 20 December 2024 with activities going live from January 2025. 

The deadline for applications is 21 October 2024 (12 noon).

Friends Provident Foundation


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