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Funding for Projects that Promote a Better Understanding of the Environment and Countryside

UK based schools and not for profit organisations can apply for funding to the Nineveh Charitable Trust for a broad range of projects and activities that promote a better understanding of the environment and countryside, whilst facilitating improved access, education and research.

Whilst the Trust does not specify a minimum or maximum grant amount that can be applied for, an analysis of previous grants would suggest a maximum of £5,000 per year for up to three years.

Previous projects supported include Castlemilk Day Nursery which received a grant of £5,000 to build a multi-function shelter with provision for special needs teaching; and St Joseph's Specialist School & College, which received a grant of £4,000 towards a community garden expansion.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

Funding for Projects that Promote a Better Understanding of the Environment and Countryside (UK)

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