Sunderland Voluntary Sector Alliance enables large organisations to volunteer with voluntary and community sector organisations
The Alliance has been working with organisations from across the city to carry out corporate volunteering days, including gardening, litter picks and decorating to name just a few.
In 2022, over 1600 hours of corporate volunteering has been completed (From February 2022 up to the end of December 2022); improving facilities and neighbourhoods for local residents across the city.
Over 37 events have taken place in 2022, with 26 voluntary and community sector organisations benefitting from volunteers making a difference in their organisations.
We are receiving an increasing number of organisations contacting the Alliance for volunteering days for their staff and we have more events planned for 2023; if your organisation would like to have some corporate volunteers helping out for a day, please get in touch with joanne.coulson@sunderlandvsa.co.uk.