Debs Hickling Walker - Voluntary Sector Development Worker


Debs has joined the Alliance from the voluntary sector in Northumberland where she was a Youth Work Manager. She has substantial experience of project development and community participation, spanning over 25 years and 35 years in youth work.

Debs has worked with many minoritized / hard to reach groups over the years and for the last 15 specialised in supporting LGBT young people, particular Trans young people. Debs is proud of her involvement with this group which were very much invisible and discriminated against when with a colleague she set up the first Trans Youth group, north of Manchester.

In addition to youth work, Debs has also done community development with older people and people with disabilities and other health conditions. She was the main fundraiser at her last place of work and was also the dedicated Bid Writer for an older people's charity in Newcastle. Debs has written successful funding applications to most of the Charitable Trusts and has an enviably high hit rate, netting over £400k last year from smaller Trusts. Debs has also been involved in project tenders and carried out a number of pieces of research.

More recently Debs has also joined a funding consultancy where she works with a number of clients. Within her role for the Alliance, Debs will be working with charitable trusts, philanthropists and corporate organisations to bring additional money into the voluntary sector. She will be developing Social Value opportunities, facilitating collaborations, developing opportunities for social prescribing and increasing awards and commissions to the sector.

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