'CIVIL SOCIETY MEDIA' has just launched it's 'How to Guide: Next Steps in Fundraising'. How to Guide: Next steps in fundraising (google.com)
Civil Society say :
What's included:
- Insight into securing major gifts
- How to adapt legacies in line with consumer behaviours
- Guidance on writing successful grant applications
- A look at what's next for event fundraising
- How to get the most from corporate partnerships
- Case studies from Parkinson's UK, RSPB, Nationwide Community Grants
Programme, British Heart Foundation, NSPCC and many more - Practical exercises you can complete to help put your learning into practice
- Plenty of resources for further learning
- See more at: https://www.civilsociety.co.uk/fundraising/how-to-guide-next-steps-in-fundraising-2024.html#sthash.CX2SICb3.dpuf
If you would like to find out more about Fundraising Magazine, please visit www.civilsociety.co.uk/frmag.
Civil Society is an independent charity-focussed media company with the following publications: Fundraising Magazine, Charity Finance, Governance & Leadership & Civil Society News.You can sign up for regular email alerts. If you are the one responsible for writing your organisation's business plan.Funding and Income Generation strategy or business plan or want to expand your funding streams Civil Society run some interesting articles and will keep you abreast of reports on the state of the UK's Voluntary and Community Sector.
For Funding Support, email: debs.hickling-walker@sunderlandvsa.co.uk