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Synergi Focuses Small Grants Fund 2024 on Democratising Policy (England)

Synergi's second funding round is currently accepting applications from groups led by and for those racialised as Black and as people of colour, with lived experience of mental ill-health, distress, or trauma.

Grants of £5,000 are available to build power and take collective action on mental health and racial justice within an abolitionist framework.

The fund exists to support communities who are racialised and have been harmed by the mental health system, incarceration, policing, prisons, psychiatry, and forensic settings and/or the immigration system.

The funding can be used for a number of different things, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Groups focusing on campaigning, such as direct action.
  • Experimentation and dreaming. The funding will support doing things differently.
  • Organisational development - anything needed to help increase the resilience and sustainability of the group.
  • Innovative ideas for coalition and movement building engaging a broad cross-section of grassroots communities and activists who are racialised to mobilise and amplify organising at the intersection of racial justice and mental health.

The grants can cover the costs to deliver support and activities. This could include staff or freelance costs, rent for space or room hire, materials for activities (art supplies etc.), equipment, and volunteer and group member expenses. This is not an exhaustive list.

The fund is only open to Unregistered Groups who are based in England with an annual income of under £50,000.

Applications are encouraged from groups led by and for:

  • People from disabled communities 
  • People from Muslim communities 
  • Trans and non-binary communities 
  • Refugees and/or people seeking asylum.

Groups with non-traditional structures (including those that are unregistered) are also encouraged to apply. 

There is a two-stage application process.

The deadline for stage one application is 30 May 2024 (17:00).

Synergi Fund Round 2: Democratising Policy - Synergi (

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