Lesley Spuhler OBE, DL
Chief Executive, Foundation of Light (previously SAFC Foundation)
Studied informal and community education at George Williams College, London, and more recently achieved an MBA with the Open University.
Over 30 years' experience of specialising in areas of third sector work particularly in youth engagement including for Durham County Council and the Prince's Trust.
Managed charitable giving for over 30 local companies in the North East through the Community Foundation serving Tyne & Wear and Northumberland.
Set up and directed the Foundation of Light for over 20 years building the organisation into a £5 million business, helping over a million people since inception.
Along with Foundation Trustees, fundraised for and built the vibrant and iconic Beacon of Light which opened in 2018.
Awarded the OBE in the Queen's New Year's Honours for 2015 for services to education and the community, an Honorary Fellowship at the University of Sunderland and holds office as a Deputy Lieutenant.