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NEW-Funding for Not-for-Profits to Support Development Work on Historic Buildings in England

Grants of up to £20,000 are available to help not-for-profit organisations cover some of the costs of developing and co-ordinating their historic building project and taking it towards the start of work on site. 

To qualify, organisations must have established that the end use of the project is likely to be viable and have decided to take the project forward. At the end of the funded work, organisations should be at or closer to securing capital funding to enable the delivery of their project.

The one-year grants typically will support appointing professional advisors to work with the organisation to advance the plans. This can include architects, surveyors, and engineers to develop the designs and plans for the historic building; additional support to build the capacity of the organisation by employing or contracting a project manager; and support with refining the business plan, building community engagement and preparing funding bids.

Although 100% of the cost of the work involved can be funded, there is a preference for some match funding as the overall package of work required may be more than the grant can cover.

Applications will be accepted from the following not-for-private profit organisations and lowest tiers of local government:

  • Unincorporated charities
  • Charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs).
  • Charitable companies limited by guarantee.
  • Community benefit societies.
  • Not-for-private-profit companies limited by guarantee.
  • Community interest companies (CICs) limited by guarantee.
  • Co-operatives
  • Parish and town councils.

If applicants do not already own the building, they will need to provide evidence that they have a formal agreement to acquire it.

There is a two-step application process. The first step is to submit a short online Expression of Interest. Those who are successful will be invited to submit a full application.

Expressions of Interest can be submitted at any time.

England | The Architectural Heritage Fund (

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