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Music for All Invites UK Community Groups and Schools to Apply to New Round

Music for All, the charity of the UK musical instrument industry, is offering an instrument-only funding round to community projects and to schools in the UK who are looking to enhance and expand their music provision. Priority will be given to applicants who are most in need of help.

The following support is available:

  • Harris Foundation Schools Progression Award - grants of up to £5,000 for schools looking to deepen their music provision and support/or continue to support groups of music makers within their school. Funds can be used to support any type of ensemble including bands, orchestras or informal groups and should be put towards the purchase of instruments, studio equipment, specialised teaching support or other items specifically designed to support the establishment and/or continuation of music groups. 
  • Arturia Analog Lab V controller - groups can apply for up to three controllers suitable for use with standalone VST, AAX or Audio Unit. Applicants should be able to demonstrate how their group is already working with technology and how this software will enhance their work.
  • Guitars (electric) + amplifier (+ The Maestro Online Masterclasses) - community-based groups can apply for up to five electric guitars and amplifiers to support disadvantaged music makers; they must illustrate the impact this award will have on advancing the music making of their group.
  • Drumkit + drumsticks (+ The Maestro Online Masterclasses) - community-based groups can apply for one drumkit to support disadvantaged music makers; they must illustrate the impact this award will have on advancing the music making of their group..
  • Ukulele bundle (sopranos) with added ukulele voices (concert and bass) for teacher/leader (+ The Maestro Online Masterclasses) - community and educational groups can apply for up to one bundle, which includes 25 ukuleles, to support work with deprived or marginalised communities and/or developing music education for those living in the area.
  • Pbuzz instruments - community and educational groups can apply for up to 10 pbuzz instruments to support work with deprived or marginalised communities and/or developing music education for those living in the area.
  • Keyboard with stand, pedal and headphones and seat - community-based groups can apply for up to five keyboards with accessories to support disadvantaged music makers; they must illustrate the impact this award will have on advancing the music making of their group.

Notification of decisions is approximately three months after receipt of application.  

The deadline for application is 30 September 2024 (8am).

Community Project Funding | Music For All

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