This funding opportunity is for registered charities and registered social housing providers to support new builds and significant refurbishment, including extensions, of rental accommodation that will offer high quality support for veterans with a housing need within the UK.
Grants of between £75,000 and £500,000 are available for projects that will:
- Enable major refurbishments of existing social rented or affordable rented homes for veterans.
- Enable extensions of existing buildings to increase the availability of veteran housing.
- Increase the number of new build, homes/housing units available to veterans at affordable or social rents.
- Ensure properties meet decent homes and energy efficiency standards.
The grant can be used to pay for most things needed for the project and could include the following costs:
- Direct building costs relating to the building project.
- Staff time for this fixed-term project to manage it effectively.
- Professional fees that are directly related to their building project, such as qualified project managers.
Priority will be given to:
- Single Veterans.
- Veterans and their families, including veterans who have shared custody arrangements for their children.
- Veterans with disabilities or limited long-term health conditions.
- Homeless, including rough sleeping Veterans.
- Female Veterans.
- LGBT Veterans.
- Veterans leaving prison.
Larger grants of between £500,000 and £1 million may be available for exceptional projects if they meet additional criteria.
Applications will be accepted from either:
- A registered charity, that has been registered in the UK for at least three years and can show it works with Veterans or
- A registered social housing provider or Registered Social Landlord in Scotland that can show it works with Veterans.
This is the fourth of four programme rounds. There is a two-stage application process.
Round 4 is accepting Expressions of Interest with a deadline of 18 June 2025 (midday).
Major Capital Grants Programme : Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust