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Client A's Journey with SVSA so far

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A charity with an annual turnover of £319,000 approached us in severe financial difficulty, facing the prospect of closing its doors within a couple of months without support. During the winter, they faced a significant increase in heating and electricity costs, placing a heavy financial burden on them.

Additionally, the charity had experienced the passing of several beneficiaries, which not only saddened them but also created further financial strain, as they needed to fill most of the care places to cover their costs. They had accumulated £30,000 in rent arrears and had taken a loan of £14,500 from a member of their board of trustees. Their financial situation was further complicated by managing three bank accounts.

Furthermore, they faced several other challenges, including staff absences, a lack of IT infrastructure, and limited knowledge and capacity to market and promote their services.

February 2024:

  • 07/02/24: Client requested funding support via contact us e-mail. SVSA contact the client to arrange a meeting.
  • 14/02/24: An initial consultation was conducted with the client. The primary priorities for support include generating funding from various sources and strengthening governance
  • 16/02/24: Research was conducted to identify the need for the service, assess competitors in the area, and compare the costings of similar services. Outcome: The service is unique with no direct competition. A full cost recovery model needs to be implemented, resulting in a 26.76% increase in existing costs.
  • 19/02/24: Completed the action plan and conducted a grant funding search. Provided the client with a link to trustee training.
  • 22/02/24: Met with the Funding Officer to discuss the case and agreed to arrange a meeting with the client to identify current funders and associated commitments. Emailed the client to schedule the meeting.
  • 26/02/24: Received info linked to bank accounts x3 and a list of current funders. Meeting with client confirmed for 29/02/24.
  • 29/02/24: Held a meeting with the Funding Officer and the client to present the action plan and discuss next steps. Updated the action plan and sent the revised copy to the client.




March 2024:

  • 04/03/24: Created a funding request letter and compiled a list of 10 large businesses with headquarters or links to Sunderland to contact. Also drafted a second letter for previous funders. Sent both letters to the client for distribution.
  • 05/03/24: Emailed client regarding urgent request for documents, information for new leaflet, and login details for the website.
  • 06/03/24: Discussed with client ABL social value offer of strategy development. Client happy to proceed. Completed application form.
  • 07/03/24: Client arrived at the office with previous funding bids. Photocopied info for our records.
  • 11/03/24: Updated the action plan and added additional tasks. Completed a social media campaign for the client, which will be utilised twice a year during key dates to raise awareness of the condition, promote their services, and encourage donations.
  • 12/03/24: Logged the information received from the client and created a new leaflet for the service. Emailed the draft to the client for review. The client approved the leaflet and requested the addition of a QR code linking to the website. Completed.
  • 13/03/24: Researched evidenced based activities that benefit people with the specific condition to inform website development.
  • 14/03/24: Confirmed business strategy support from ABL. Scheduled a meeting with the client to review progress against the action plan, discuss and agree on a repayment plan for the landlord/board member, and identify follow-up tasks. SVSA will compile information on HR support companies/packages, IT infrastructure setup, systems, and CRMs. The client will select the best option and follow up accordingly.
  • 15/03/24: Sent leaflet to social prescribing contacts. Began website development and sent to the client consideration.
  • 18/03/24: Saved additional bank statements to the case file. Emailed Training in Care on behalf of the client regarding first aid training. Sent the client information about the first aid training. Further website development.
  • 19/03/24: Client called and requested a review of an offer from Impact Marketing, provided feedback on the offer.  Emailed the website hosts to obtain a quote for additional changes. Created a list of funeral directors, GPs, and local pharmacies in Sunderland and sent it to the client, who will deliver leaflets.
  • 21/03/24: Met with Funding Officer to discuss funding. Emailed client list of questions to move forward with funding. Liaised with website designer regarding costs, timeframe, etc. Funding Officer worked on Management Accounts & analysis.
  • 25/03/24: Created an Awards for All account and an account for Edith Murphy/Ludlow Funding. Completed Catherine Cookson application. Completed Gentoo Aspire application. Gentoo emailed advised current round has no funds left but they are interested in the project and will consider next round.
  • 26/03/24: Completed The Joicey Trust application. Completed Ludlow Funding application. Spoke to the client regarding IT Support/equipment. Advised client to make a list of IT needs and then compare options.
  • 27/03/24: Completed Tesco Stronger Starts, Completed Morrisons Foundation application. Started Awards for All application.

April 2024:

  • 10/04/24 & 11/04/24: Completed Awards for All application. Sent a copy of information to the client. Resent list of adult social care leads key contacts to promote service.
  • 17/04/24: Client emailed with a link to the new test website. After checking the site, a substantial number of changes had not been completed. Spoke to the client on the phone to advise I would contact the designer directly to clarify changes. Requested the client send staff pictures and quotes from staff. Sent all info to the website designer and copied the client in.
  • 18/04/24: Client called enquiring about support around a capital fund but provided limited info. I asked for more info before proceeding. Meeting date with ABL confirmed for 29/04/24.
  • 19/04/24: Completed Financial Management Procedures policy for client.
  • 22/04/24:Client emailed requesting our attendance at their board meeting to demonstrate the good delivery of a meeting. Sent client an agenda template as a guide.

May 2024:

·       01/05/24:Meeting with ABL and client to develop strategy.

·       17/05/24:Created an agenda template and accompanying supporting information for future board meetings. This template includes a list of standard items that should be on the agenda for every meeting.

·       20/05/24:Attended board meeting and presented an overview of the support we have provided thus far, along with the next steps. I emphasized that future decisions, such as price increases, will be challenging but stressed the importance of focusing on our long-term goal of sustainability.

·       22/05/24:Client emailed to request participation in future board meetings to help maintain structure and momentum for progress.

·       29/05/24:Client emailed and asked me to review the website changes. I compared the changes to the initial request and sent a list of outstanding amendments that still need to be made to the company, copying the client in on the email.

June 2024:

·       03/06/24:Client emailed and asked me to review the website changes. Two changes still needed. Sent a list of outstanding amendments that still need to be made to the company, copying the client in on the email.

·       07/06/24: Client called requesting support around potential changes to the development worker role. Client happy to explore this further when staff member returns from maternity.

·       13/06/24:The client emailed requesting a QR code for a new banner they are creating. I sent the QR code over via email.

·       20/06/24:Emailed client to inform them that I have completed the application for the social value offer from "Clear Channel" to aid with city wide marketing.

·       26/06/24:Client emailed to inform us that they have received successful funding from three funders and thanked us for our support.

July 2024:

·       01/07/24:New website went live. Completed funding application for Hedley Foundation for £10,000 towards core costs.

·       08/07/24:Met with the client to discuss the next steps, marketing strategies, volunteer involvement, and preparation for the upcoming board meeting.

·       09/07/24:Sent client a list of follow-up tasks generated from the board meeting. Tasks split between client and SVSA.

·       15/07/24:Attended board meeting.Left with a list of follow-up tasks related to price increases for SCC and Carers.

·       16/07/24:Prepared a letter regarding the price increase to be sent to the commissioner at SCC and forwarded it to the client for distribution.

·       17/07/24:Meeting with Volunteer Co-ordinator at SVSA to discuss role descriptions and volunteering opportunities.

·       19/07/24:Volunteer Co-ordinator created role descriptions and person specifications for the Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary of the board. Additionally, created role descriptions for the lunch club volunteers and retail volunteers that are needed.

·       20/07/24:Sent client role descriptions for specific trustee and volunteering roles.



Key Achievements:

  • Funding Success: Completed 23 funding bids worth £202,108, with £30,000 already secured, ensuring financial stability and organisational growth.
  • HR Support: The client purchased a HR support package, streamlining employee management and ensuring compliance.
  • Policy Updates: Updated policies and procedures to enhance organisational efficiency and regulatory compliance.
  • Promotional Materials: Developed a new promotional leaflet to attract potential clients.
  • Repayment Agreement: Established a repayment plan to address rent arrears, reducing the outstanding amount by 70%.
  • Website Development: Launched a new website to strengthen online presence and engagement.
  • Strategic Support: Provided specialist strategic development support to optimise resources and achieve goals.
  • Marketing Exposure: Utilised specialist digital billboard marketing for high-visibility and effective audience engagement.
  • Role Descriptions: Created detailed role descriptions for trustees and volunteers to improve governance and coordination.
  • Client Growth: Increased client numbers through enhanced marketing, contributing to financial sustainability and growth.
  • IT and CRM Investment: The client invested in new IT equipment and a CRM system to boost organisational efficiency.










Client A's Journey with SVSA so far (Website version)


A charity with an annual turnover of £319,000 approached us in severe financial difficulty, facing the prospect of closing its doors within a couple of months without support. The winter season had exacerbated their financial troubles, with significant increases in heating and electricity costs placing a heavy burden on their limited resources.


  1. Financial Burdens: Accumulated £30,000 in rent arrears and a £14,500 loan, compounded by managing three bank accounts.
  2. Loss of Beneficiaries: The passing of several beneficiaries increased financial strain as they struggled to fill care places.
  3. Operational Issues: Staff absences, poor IT infrastructure, and limited marketing capabilities further hindered their operations.

Interventions and Solutions

Over six months, we implemented a comprehensive support plan:

  1. Funding Success: Completed 23 funding bids worth £202,108, securing £30,000 so far, with many pending to ensure financial stability and growth.
  2. HR Support: Purchased an HR support package to streamline employee management and ensure compliance.
  3. Policy Updates: Updated policies and procedures for enhanced efficiency and compliance.
  4. Promotional Materials: Developed a new promotional leaflet to attract potential clients.
  5. Repayment Agreement: Established a repayment plan, reducing debts by 70%.
  6. Website Development: Launched a new website to strengthen online presence and engagement.
  7. Strategic Support: Provided specialist strategic development to optimise resources and achieve goals.
  8. Marketing Exposure: Utilised digital billboard marketing for high visibility and engagement.
  9. Role Descriptions: Created detailed role descriptions for trustees and volunteers.
  10. Client Growth: Increased client numbers through enhanced marketing, contributing to sustainability and growth.
  11. IT and CRM Investment: Invested in new IT equipment and a CRM system to boost efficiency.


Through these targeted interventions, the charity avoided closure, achieved stable financial footing, and improved operational efficiency. Strategic planning, marketing, and operational improvements set the charity on a path to sustainable growth and long-term success.

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